What gifts does

your relationship activate? 

Human Design can give you incredible insights to the relationships in your life

  • Human Design doesn’t determine compatibility, but can tell you a fair amount about how certain relationships unfold.

  • This is where one person has a whole channel activated, and the other has only one half (or one gate). This creates a push pull energy. The person who has the channel seemingly plls the other person into their energy even though they are very different energies by nature.

  • This is where one person has a full channel, and the other has neither of the gates. The person who doesn’t have either of the gates takes in and experiences specific frequencies through this channel, and even more, they start to start amplify them. This dynamic creates an identify with them in a very specific way. The non dominant person may find that they are being conditioned by the one with the channel. It is a great opportunity to learn from each other and about each other because you experience this energy consistently in the connection.

  • This shows up when both people have the same channel defined. You may think this is an ideal scenario, however when this show up there are no “energetic attractions” here, because both people have the same gifts and the same shadows.

  • This shows up when one person has a gate on one side, and the other has a gate on the other side of that same channel. Each is missing what the other has. They are always interested in what the other has, but when they meet, a new gift emerges.

Grab your Connection Chart Below and Let’s Talk

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Click to Generate Chart


schedule an hd connection reading


Enter birth info for both parties ❤️ Click to Generate Chart ❤️ schedule an hd connection reading ❤️

Once you’ve got your chart in hand, you’ll have three different designs. Yours, theirs, and the combined design. You will have some places where you compromise, some where one person is dominant, and others where there’s natural 🔥 sparks. You know the ones I’m talking about. 😏

Connection charts show your gifts, but they also show your shadows. If you want to understand how this plays out between you and your partner and where you can lean into the highest potential of your relationship, schedule a couples reading and let’s look at your relationship blueprint. After all, wouldn’t it be amazing if you had a map to exactly what makes your partner tick?